Cooler weather is here so time to 'cover up'.
y outdoor seating area (with newly covered cushions. Hope the squirrels don't chew them up).
Citrus nestled next to the house on the back porch.

Covers on the raaised beds.

One little tomato still hanging on.

I have been fighting the worms on the kale.

Still 2 little goldfish alive after the pond was raided by a raccoon.

One 'Heavenly Blue' morning glory blossom.
Lots of tasks to do.

Time to clean out the Martin house.

Primrose Jasmine is a monster. It has to go.

Having 3 crepe myrtles removed - too close to the house and real litterbugs.

I made some kumquate marmalade and got distracted. It overcooked. so need to try again. The original batch still tastes good but it is way too firm and sticky.

My little amaryllis that I started from seed. Need to plant them out.

My Celeste fig cutting that needs to be potted up. Doing well.

I am making a slipcover for a cozy chair. This fabric is 'Document' from Calido Corners.

I've started knitting again. After decades! This will be a cowl (if it turns out ok)

Started some veggie seedings, beets and turnips.

I want to do some tole painting on a chest of drawers. this example is one of Bob Timberlake's designs of a blackberry bramble, love it. Going to give it a try.