Sunday, July 7, 2019

July In The Garden

Little figs - Celeste variety

Crinum lilies - a passalong gift from a friend.

Cleaned up the greenhouse and preparing to put up some shade cloth.
Replaced irrigation controller with one I can use with my phone.  Raccio works great!

Cleaned up the garden shed, too.  Rid it of wasps nests and lots of mud dobbers nests.  I also found a few apples the squirrels missed.  Last year I tried orchard bags but the squirrels gnawed through them.  This year I tried hot pepper spray and pepper flakes and had better success.  Next year I am going to use the orchard bags again and spary the bags with hot pepper liquid and pepper flakes.  Maybe that will foil the squirrels and birds!  We'll see.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter

The weather is glorious and everything is blooming, especially the roses.

Tiny apples!


Deep purple water iris.

All the hesperloe are blooming.

Anacacho orchid tree blooms.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

More Blue

The orchard blues in full bloom.

Iris blues

More iris blues along the crepe myrtle allee.

Morning coffee in the garden.  Great way to start the day!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Bluebonnet Season - 2019

I had to pull up some bluebonnets to make a path!
No bluebonnets here but a lovely redbud in the cactus.

A sea of bluebonnets in the parterre garden.

Citrus blossoms peeking out.

Hello Zoey!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Spring 2019 at Wet Weather Creek.

Nothing like tulips in the Spring

Mountain Laurel blooms

A newly planted Japanese maple, Sangu Kako.

The orchard field covered in bluebonnets on the verge of blooming.

Repairs needed for the kitchen garden fence.

Spring greens- kale, lettuce, chard, spinach and a few onions in the bed to the left.

A bloooming almond tree.  This is an experiment to see if I'll get almonds.  Not common here.

Zoey and her pals waiting for treats.

More bluebonnets by the parterre garden.  I grow roses inside the boxwood parterres.