Monday, June 27, 2011

Sticks and Stones

Something is eating the bark off my apple tree limbs.  I suspect those pesky grasshoppers.

My neighbors new stone walls at the entrance to their driveway.

A closeup of the end.

I love this look.  Very good work.

My cute little pink turk's cap.  This is somewhat blurry.  My camera skills are not too good.  I'm having a problem with closeups.

This is beach vitex.  It is about 4 feet wide by 2.5 feet tall.  Lots of little blue blooms now.  Most of the time it is insignificant.  Very drought tolerant.

The pomegranates are getting bigger.

Time to clean those bluebonnet seeds!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Blooms After The Rain

This 'Green Cloud' cenizo blooms more profusely than the usual grey variety.

The two varieties together, Green Cloud on the right

 Passalong plant, crinum.  Thanks, Esther

Pavonia is blooming great.

The coral vine is my favorite vine.  It will take over the fence and the entry arbor of the kitchen garden by the end of the summer.

The perennial morning glory is starting it's mission of swallowing the potting shed, starting with the rain barrel.


This rock rose by the wood pile gets no extra attention or water.  Another one nearby is blooming just as heavily.  Such a pretty and reliable plant.  It creates lots of seeds and seedlings so there are plenty to transplant.

I love the 'Strawberry Fields' gomphrena,  another tough plant.

The salvia farinacea is in it's second bloom cycle.  It blooms all summer if you regularly deadhead and cut it back a third or more occasionally.

Salvia gregii and pavonia together.
 Nothing much going on in the kitchen garden, just a bit of chard and some parsley going to seed.  The drought and water shortages just make it too difficult to keep going for now.

Zexmenia looks nice with the daylily.

A wider view of the garden.

My leaning tower of .....purple martin house.  I did have purple martins this year.