Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day July 2014

We are in the 100 degree days of summer so not a lot is blooming and watering is getting difficult.  I've found a few hardy souls blooming though.

Firecracker Gomphrena

Brakelight hesperloe is putting out a new bloom stalk!

Coral Vine was just waiting for 100 degree days.

It's taking over the fence

Rock Rose is still blooming but rapidly going to seed.

Crepe Myrtles are so reliable.

Little Zinnias

Big Zinnias.  

I seeded them here so I could manage watering.  I couldn't keep them watered scattered about the yard.  I'm stingy with my water.  My water barrels need a good rain shower.  Maybe this week.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Foggy Morning Walkabout

This morning was so foggy and beautiful.  We have had days and days of drying winds then last evening a lovely shower.   

The Green Cloud sage blooming in the back yard. 

The coral vine is overtaking the kitchen garden fence.

The fire pit has been weeded and the blanket flowers cut back.

Still need to cut bak this patch of blanket flower and Zexmenia.

The green house needs a good scrubbing and a window replaced that was blown off in the last wind storm.

New slats are needed for the little bench.

Bargain plant from Lowe's discount rack.  Gardeners love a bargain.  Wish Home Depot would do this.  Most plants just need a little extra water and dead heading.

Green Cloud sage in front.  This variety is a heavier bloomer with a stronger color than the usual light gray variety.

A closer view.

The deer are out early this morning.  Can you spot them among the trees?