This has been a very mild winter. It is just mid-February and already so many things are blooming. Although this morning we had frost on the roof, the first frost in quite awhile and it caught me off guard. Hope no serious damage was done.
My little Zoey has recovered well from eye surgery. She is now totally blind and one eye is fake, the other is gone. We are learning how best to teach her to navigate. Do any of you have blind pets and suggestions for making their lives easier? She is doing pretty well at finding her way around although the other morning I 'lost' her in the house. She was in a corner of my closet behind the door and couldn't figure out how to exit. She was so quiet I had to search some time for her.

The Carolina Jasmine is blooming heavily.
Bluebonnets coverng my paths.
Apple tree in bloomk. Not a lot of blooms(see right side of pic).
These two espaliered apples have blooms as well
The Mountain Laurel is in full bloom. So early.
First rose bloom of the season.
Poor lemon tree lost all its leaves. I did not cover it properly. The stems are all green so I'm hoping leaves will sprout soon. I had a HUGE lemon harvest in the fall. |
Pretty little violas. Love this color. I think I'll get some more. |